Yesterday, in the spirit of April Fools’ Day, we posted a 100-point review for O’Ima Lion Farms April No. 1 Natural by San Veritas Roasters. In case you missed it, the spoof appears below:
Coffee Review has never awarded 100 points to a coffee. Since 1997, twelve coffees have earned a score of 97 points. Of the twelve, four are geishas, three were Kenyas, two were Ethiopias, two were Guatemalas (both bourbons), and one was a Kona natural.
The 97-pointers are as follows:
Klatch Coffee – Panama Ironman Camilina Geisha, September 2014
Barrington Coffee Roasting Co. – Perci Red Panama Gesha, December 2012
Caribou Coffee – Roastmaster’s Reserve Esmeralda, September 2012
Terroir Coffee – El Vergel Guatemala, March 2012
Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee – Kenya Nyeri AB Gichatha-ini, November 2011
Temple Coffee & Tea – Guatemala Hunapu Antigua Bourbon, October 2010
Simon Hsieh Aroma Roast – Ethiopia Washed Yirgacheffe, Koke Grade 1, December 2009
Hula Daddy – Kona Sweet 100% Kona, December 2008
Terroir Coffee – Kenya Mamuto, March 2008
The Roasterie – Esmerala Especial Best of Panama, October 2007
Paradise Roasters – Kenya AA Wagamuga Auction Lot, August 2007
Paradise Roasters – Ethiopia Biloya Special, May 2007
San Veritas Coffee Roasters – Portland, Oregon
O’Ima Lion Farms April No. 1 Natural
Reviewed: April 1, 2015
Price: >$1000.00/16 ounces (at auction)
Origin: O’Ima Lion Farms, Pacific Ocean, east of the Hawaiian Islands.
Notes: San Veritas Coffee is a previously unheard of boutique coffee roaster that claims to roast exotic coffee beans one at a time. O’Ima Lion Farms is located on a recently formed volcanic island approximately one hundred miles southeast of Hawaii. It is located on the slopes of the older part of the island, which was formed ten years ago. The residual heat from the lava rock is said to encourage a particularly lush growth. Shade is provided by volcanic haze. Only one pound of this coffee was produced and will be sold at auction.
Blind assessment: So good, we almost peed in our pants when we tasted this coffee.
Who should drink it: Coffee lovers who appreciate April Fools’ jokes, a decadent American tradition. If you found this review amusing, or even if you found it irritating, please consider making a small donation to or to help support these fine charitable organizations.