A tactful dark roast develops sweetness and a pungent depth in a subtly complex coffee. Dark chocolate, lemon, cherryish fruit, spicy nut. Rich, roast-rounded acidity, smooth mouthfeel. Clean finishing, though flavor fades rather quickly.
We found 5 reviews that match your search for blawan. Coffees are listed in reverse chronological order by review date. Older reviews may no longer accurately reflect current versions of the same coffee.
A delicate - perhaps overly so - coffee that nevertheless rewards attentiveness to its subtle, complex aromatics: floral tones and a pungent note suggesting the fresh odor of tomato vines, with background suggestions of cocoa and white wine. A heavy astringency lurks in the mouthfeel that unfortunately dominates in the long finish as the heady aromatics fade.
A quiet coffee. A subtle aromatic complex runs pleasantly through the profile from aroma through cup, so subtle it's hard to pin down with specific associations: milk chocolate and banana I wrote for the aroma; switched to butterscotch for the cup, with a stiffening hint of walnut. The acidity is gently lively; the finish surprisingly rich given the quietness of the cup.
Sweet-toned, mildly pungent aroma: cedar, molasses, a hint of milk chocolate. Very sweet in the cup and very delicate, with wispy walnut and continued milk chocolate notes. Surprisingly robust persistence of sweetness and flavor in the short finish; some astringency in the long.
Hard, high notes surprise in both aroma and cup, persisting into the aftertaste. But if you taste attentively the fundamental, Indonesian matrix of the coffee emerges beneath the sharpness: rich, subtly low-toned, balanced, with some tones that even could be called chocolate. In the first round of cupping the sharp notes seemed to energize the coffee; in the second they just tasted sharp.