Allegro Coffee
Colombia Agustino Forest
Roaster Location: | Thornton, Colorado |
Coffee Origin: | San Agustín growing region, Huila Department, southern Colombia |
Roast Level: | Medium |
Agtron: | 53/62 |
Est. Price: | $9.99/12 ounces |
Review Date: | June 2014 |
Aroma: | 8 |
Acidity: | 8 |
Body: | 8 |
Flavor: | 8 |
Aftertaste: | 8 |
Blind Assessment
Pungently sweet, nut-toned. Carob, roasted chestnut, taffy, hints of mango and musk. Crisp, resonant acidity; lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Some flavor carries into a richly balanced finish.
Produced by 104 mostly indigenous members of the ASOGUAR (La Argentina Forest Ranger Association) in the celebrated Colombian coffee growing region of San Agustin. Allegro Coffee, a subsidiary of Whole Foods Market, offers one of the country's largest selections of single-origin coffees. Visit or call 800-227-1107 for more information.
Who Should Drink It
Those who enjoy sweet yet pungently deep and nut-toned profiles.
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