Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are largely produced from distinctive indigenous Ethiopian landrace varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. This is a dry-processed or “natural” version, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or “washed” coffees. Cafe Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that
Equipment Report: Four Mid-Range Burr Coffee Grinders Tested & Reviewed
Grinding whole beans immediately before brewing is one of the single most powerful upgrades you can make to the quality of the cup you brew at home. No matter what grinder you own, it's better than owning no grinder at all. Yet when examining the differences from one coffee grinder to the next, and contemplating the sheer variety of products available on the market, it quickly becomes clear that
Hawaiian Kona 100%
Certified organic. Produced by Robert and Dawn Barnes of Kona Rainforest Farm and processed by the natural, or sun-dried, method. Cafe Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that is ethically invested in procuring, roasting and delivering the highest quality and best-tasting organic coffee in San Diego. Visit or call 619-550-1830 for more information.
Ethiopia Sidama Shantewene
Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are largely produced from distinctive indigenous Ethiopian varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. This is a dry-processed or “natural” version, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or “washed” coffees. Cafe Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that is
Signature Reserve Sidama 1 FTO Shilcho Red Cherry
Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are produced from traditional Ethiopian varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. When processed by the wet or washed method (fruit skin and pulp are removed before drying) they typically express great aromatic complexity and intensity with a particular emphasis on floral notes. Like virtually all Ethiopia coffees, this one is produced by villagers on
Bolivia Caranavi
Produced from the respected Caturra and Typica varieties of Arabica. This coffee is organic and Fair Trade certified, the latter meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a “fair” or economically sustainable price. It is a wet-processed or “washed” coffee, meaning the fruit skin and pulp were removed from the beans immediately after harvesting and before drying. Cafe Virtuoso is a
Bean Brain Reserve Suke Quto Ethiopia Sidamo Espresso
One of Virtuoso’s “Bean Brain” limited edition coffees, this one is sold in an edition of 250 bags, numbered by hand. Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are produced from traditional Ethiopian varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. When processed by the wet or washed method (fruit skin and pulp are removed before drying) they typically express great aromatic complexity and intensity
Bean Brain Reserve Suke Quto Ethiopia Sidamo
One of Virtuoso’s “Bean Brain” limited edition coffees, this one is sold in an edition of 250 bags, numbered by hand. Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are produced from traditional Ethiopian varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. When processed by the wet or washed method (fruit skin and pulp are removed before drying) they typically express great aromatic complexity and intensity
Organic Espresso
This exceptional coffee was selected as the No. 15 coffee on Coffee Review’s list of the Top 30 Coffees of 2015. Certified organic. Cafe Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that strives to procure, roast and deliver the best quality coffee in San Diego. Visit or call 619-550-1830 for more information.
Organic Holiday Blend
Certified organic. Cafe Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that strives to procure, roast and deliver the best quality coffee in San Diego. Visit or call 619-550-1830 for more information.
Bean Brain Reserve Perla Negra Costa Rica
Certified organic. Perla Negra is a dried-in-the-fruit or “natural” processed coffee produced by the Chacon family on their Las Lajas organically certified farm and micro mill. One of Virtuoso’s “Bean Brain” limited edition coffees, this one is sold in an edition of 250 bags, numbered by hand. Cafe Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that strives to procure, roast and deliver the best quality
Shilcho Ethiopia, Red Cherry Initiative
This very small lot of Grade 1 (the highest grade of Ethiopia coffee) from the Shilcho cooperative in the southern Ethiopia Sidama region was produced in response to an initiative dubbed ‘red cherry’ by importer Royal Coffee. Royal has agreed to pay a premium to the cooperative for coffee produced only from carefully picked ripe, or “red cherry” coffee fruit. Processed by the orthodox wet or
Hawaii 2014: The Classics Rule
When writing about Hawaii coffees – more specifically, Kona coffees – I invariably feel conflicting impulses about whom to take on. Should I attack the many cynical Kona-bashers among the mainland high-end coffee-roasting community who sneer that Hawaii coffees (Kona in particular) are at best ordinary and always overpriced? On the other hand, should I rattle the bars of the sun-and-sand besotted
Hawaiian Kona Pau Hana Estate
Pau Hana Estate is a boutique coffee farm at a relatively high elevation farmed by Carol Weaver since 2006. Under the name Woods Estate, it won three Kona Coffee Cupping Contest trophies, including a first place in 2001. Café Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that strives to procure, roast and deliver the best quality coffee in San Diego. Visit or call 619-550-1830 for
Guatemala Guaya’B Huehuetenango
Produced by the Guaya'b Cooperative of small-holding Mayan-Quiche farmers in the admired Huehuetenango growing region. This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade certified, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. Produced from trees of a mix of traditional varieties of Arabica. Café Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster
Ethiopia Worka
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade certified, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. It is a dry-processed or "natural" coffee, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or "washed" coffees. Worka is one of twenty-two primary
Single-Lot, Single-Variety Excitement
In the new world of high-end specialty coffee, botanical variety of the tree has become one of the crucial ways to differentiate and describe small lots of fine coffee. Grape variety has long been a differentiator in wine, of course, and increasingly dominates description and selling of certain fruits and vegetables. But botanical variety also has become an increasingly intensely explored path to
Suave and Idiosyncratic: Coffees of Guatemala
The thirty Guatemala coffees we sampled for this month’s article overall were remarkably true to form for this storied and celebrated origin. For the most part they were beautifully structured and balanced, yet surprising and original in detail. Most likely it is the traditionalist nature of Guatemala coffee production – the often unpredictable mix of traditional varieties of Arabica making up
Guatemala Organic Fair Trade
From one of four coffee-producing communities of mainly indigenous farmers that make up the Ixil A’achimbal association. This coffee is fermented without water for around twenty hours in wooden boxes covered with banana leaves, washed, and sun-dried on tables and tarps, a local variation on orthodox wet-processing, and one that seems to have a complex and positive impact on cup character.
Hawaiian Kona Pele Plantations
Certified organically grown. Pele Plantations mills and markets coffees from several of south Kona’s finest small farms. This outstanding Kona is from the John and Elisa Tolfree farm. Café Virtuoso is a small-batch coffee roaster that strives to procure, roast and deliver the best quality coffee in San Diego. Visit or call 619-550-1830 for more information.