Beachcomber Coffee is a craft coffee company founded in 2015 and based in Gibsons on the southwest coast of British Columbia. For more information, visit
Organic Ethiopia Yirgacheffe FTO
Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are produced from traditional Ethiopian varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. It was processed by the wet or washed method (fruit skin and pulp are removed before drying). Organic and fair trade certified. Beachcomber Coffee is a craft coffee company founded in 2015 and based in Gibsons on the southwest coast of British Columbia. For more
Beachcomber Blend
Beachcomber uses a closed-loop hybrid electric roaster with a fluidized bed to provide environmentally-sound roasted coffee in small artisanal batches. Visit or call +1-778-835-8339 for more information.